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Product Reviews

Earn Money Online by Leaving Your Opinion on Products

Everyone has their own opinions on products and other items. That is their right, no matter what they might think. These days, there are many websites where people can leave opinions on specific products.

The websites include a huge selection of products. These range from household items like shampoo and biscuits to electrical goods such as CD players and DVD players. Each product page has its own page, and you can earn money to review these products.

Reviewers can typically earn between 4 and 5 Pounds per review. However, this can be increased if you have a very high-quality review. Then, at the end of each month, a part of a prize fund will be awarded, which usually means an additional 10 Pounds for your review. It can be difficult to earn the prize money. Your review should be excellent. The prize money is usually distributed to approximately 15 people each month. It is certainly possible.

Payouts are usually just a few pence. Every time a paid review site member clicks on one of your reviews, they will give it a rating. You will earn more money if there are a lot of people who read and rate your reviews. A review site that has a large number of members is the best place to make money. This is why it is important to have lots of friends.

Signing up for a free paid review website takes only minutes and you could be making money online selling product reviews. Finding a website to pay you for product reviews is the most difficult part. I am an active member on two paid review sites, which were both free to join. The best part about joining two review platforms is that reviews I have written on one site can be copied to the second, double my earnings.

After finding a paid review website and filling out the sign-up form, you will be able to login to that site and select a product to evaluate. You have two options: you can write a review or you could submit a short video review, if you have a digital cam. After you have submitted a review and found the product on the website, you must get other people to rate it. The easiest way of doing this is by going to the Member Center section on the website, and reading/rating/commenting on other users’ product reviews. Most people will feel obliged and want to return the favor. They will also read and rate your reviews. This is a great way for you to make friends with paid review sites. It is also a way that you can make money off your reviews.

Both the paid review websites that I use have a member points system. You can earn community point for submitting new product reviews or rating and commenting upon other users’ product reviews. The colour scheme runs alongside the points system. Members are assigned a specific colour and the community points earned coincide with their colour. White is the beginner’s color. It means that the member has not been very good at writing reviews. Gold is considered the most important colour in the community point’s classification scheme. Members who have a gold blob near their username indicate that they are a highly skilled product reviewer.

A powerful color ranking will not only earn you instant respect, but it will also help you get more friends or reviews which will lead to more income.

Your earnings from writing product reviews is tracked and logged in your online profile page. This allows any member to instantly track all earnings on the site. Once you have earned a certain amount (usually 15 pounds), you can request cash. This can all be done through the website’s member page. You can either receive your earnings as online gift vouchers for Amazon (which can sell for almost 100% of their value on Ebay) or BACS payments with the money directly going to your bank account. This is my preferred way of getting paid online. The website works well and I have never had to worry about getting paid for my review earnings.

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